
Showing posts from March, 2022
This morning the SA Plum Branch "walking group" walked mindfully at Harbinger  Park.  What a beautiful morning: sun to warm us, birds singing and little buds starting to open!  Wonderful company of fellow meditators brings out our collective joy and compassion.  Please join us if you like.  We meet each Sunday at 8am and walk for about an hour in the peaceful trails  throughout Phil Harbinger Park off of NW Military Highway at the Environmental Center.
 I found two evening gathas on the Plum Village app. I'm good!
 I am thinking about a "gatha" for bed-time.  If any of you have one to suggest I would appreciate you sharing it.  Thank you.
 Last night I was with my sangha for our regular meditation time. We did our usual 10min. sit,  & 10 min. walk. Then we  experienced a guided meditation by our dear teacher, Tich Nhat Hanh via an archived podcast.  I felt so peaceful, so calm. After the dharma talk by one of our wonderful order of interbeing leaders, we discussed our teacher, Thay, and what meaning his continuation (death) last month meant to us.  It was very beautiful and restoring.  I gratefully bow deeply to the Plum Branch Sangha of San Antonio.